Easement Property Owners
Alteration Review Process for Easement Properties
The preservation easements that we hold require that any alterations to the building exterior, property, or interior if included in your easement, be reviewed beforehand and approved by the Historic Properties Committee. Owners need to contact the Historic Properties Program Manager at the start of their project development.
What criteria does the Preservation Utah Historic Properties Committee use to evaluate proposed alterations?
Specific stipulations in the easement document for the property. If you do not have a copy of the preservation easement for your property, we will be happy to send you one.
The most recent Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. The Standards are a nationally recognized and widely used tool for ensuring that alterations do not jeopardize the historic integrity of a building. Download the Standards and refer to them when planning any project that impacts the exterior of your building.
How does the Historic Properties Committee apply these criteria?
Each easement is unique to each property, and the Historic Properties Committee tightly adheres to the specific stipulations in each easement document. For your property's documentation, contact our Historic Properties Program Manager at (801) 533-0858 or historicproperties @ preservationutah.org.
The committee strictly applies the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation to proposed alterations involving a property's character-defining features and areas visible from public ways.
The committee may allow more flexibility in altering non-character defining or non-historic features in areas not visible to the public.
What information must I submit to the Historic Properties Committee or staff to have my plans reviewed?
Easement property owners should begin the alteration process by reviewing and submitting this form. Information submitted through the form includes:
Contact details (property address; owner name, email, and phone; architect/contractor name, email, and phone).
Detailed drawings of proposed changes: Preservation Utah reserves the right to require architectural drawings when necessary.
A site plan sketch showing the impact of the proposed alterations on the site.
List of building materials, including sample materials or product literature, if appropriate or requested.
Construction timetable.
Photos of the project area.
Indications of whether you intend to utilize state or federal historic rehabilitation tax credits.
Information is accepted via email; photos and drawings must be clearly scanned. Contact our Historic Properties Program Manager at (801) 533-0858 or historicproperties@preservationutah.org.
Documents should be in PDF format, and photos in .jpg or .png format.
Preservation Utah does not return documents or photographs submitted, so please make copies for your records.
When must I submit this information?
It is imperative that easement property owners obtain the approval of the Historic Properties Committee before beginning work on their project. The Historic Properties Committee meets monthly. To consider your project, submit the abovementioned information two weeks before the scheduled meeting date. This will allow time for staff to review the information and request any additional materials the Historic Properties Committee will need to make a decision about your project.
Please contact the Preservation Utah office for a schedule of Historic Properties Committee meetings. Exceptions to this schedule will be made for emergencies that immediately threaten the property.
When will I be notified of the Historic Properties Committee’s decision regarding my project?
The property owner will be notified in writing of the Historic Properties Committee’s decision within two weeks of the meeting at which the project was reviewed.
What follow-up documentation is required?
After the Historic Properties Committee approves a project and it is completed, the property owner must submit photos documenting that the project was completed according to the approved plans.
Is there anyone else I need to contact about my project?
You should contact your city's historic preservation or landmark commission if you live within a local historic district. Local historic districts often have regulations governing the alterations that can be made to historic buildings in their boundaries. Please consult your municipality to inquire whether your historic property falls under local ordinances or requires additional review.
If you wish to apply for federal or state historic rehabilitation tax credits, consult the Utah Division of State History’s
Preservation Office before beginning your project. They can be reached at (801) 533-3500.
Is this legally enforceable?
In the event an easement property owner makes an alteration to the exterior of their property without Preservation Utah's approval, the easement documents empower Preservation Utah to pursue a variety of legal measures to rectify the violation, including:
Requiring the restoration of the property to its condition before the violation.
Entering the property, correcting the violation, and holding the owner liable for the costs.
Recovering damages for the violation to restore the property.
For questions about the alteration review process, contact our Historic Properties Program Manager at (801) 533-0858 or historicproperties @ preservationutah.org.
Revolving Loan Funds
Preservation Utah's mission is to preserve, protect, and promote Utah's historic built environment through public awareness, advocacy, and active preservation. We provide financial resources to stimulate historic preservation activities through our Revolving Loan Fund Program for the rehabilitation of historic properties.
Loan applications are approved based on several criteria, including loan funds availability, property eligibility, owners credit, and the proposed renovation's historical appropriateness.
Property Eligibility
A property must be at least 50 years old and retain its architectural integrity to qualify (a good rule of thumb: would the original owner recognize the building today?).
The property needs to also meet one of the following criteria:
It is listed on, or is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).
It is listed on a local register of historic or cultural resources.
It is eligible to be a contributing building within a local or national historic district.
How will I qualify to receive a loan?
The borrower(s) must have a credit history demonstrating the ability to make regular monthly loan payments and income adequate to repay the funds loaned.
Funds are available to individuals regardless of race, handicap, age, color, religion, gender, national origin, or familial status. Corporations, partnerships, and nonprofit and religious organizations are eligible to apply for funds (religious organizations, please contact our staff as available funding may have restrictions).
What are the terms and interest rates of the loans?
Our loans offer low monthly payments based on a 20-year amortization schedule. However, the loan term is five years, with a balloon payment of the remaining principal and interest due at the end of the fifth year. When the loan application is approved, the interest rate is fixed at ½ of the prime interest rate. For example, if the prime interest rate is 6%, our interest rate is fixed at 3%.
What improvements can be made using the loan funds?
Loan funds can be used for restoration, rehabilitation, repair, and project-related costs, such as engineering services, architect's fees, and permits.
The first priority for funding is exterior improvements, including brick, chimneys, doors, foundations, masonry, and porches, reconstructing existing additions, roofs, seismic retrofitting, siding repair, and windows.
The second priority for funding is interior systems, including code compliance, electrical systems, heating, insulation, and plumbing.
The third priority for funding is interior finishes. For example, Preservation Utah will not fund a kitchen remodel if the roof needs to be repaired. However, a kitchen or bathroom remodel can be funded if incorporated into a more comprehensive rehabilitation project.
Are there any restrictions on how I use the loan funds?
Funds may not be used for concrete pads (parking, patio, etc.), fences, incompatible materials, inappropriate rehabilitation techniques, landscaping, new construction, completed projects, refinancing existing mortgages, or retaining walls. Funding requests for work in progress will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
How long is the application process?
When Loan Applications are received throughout the year, the Historic Properties Committee reviews them at regular monthly meetings. The entire application process takes about 45 days (this is not a set timeline; each situation is different and may require more time).
How do I start the application process?
Submit the Revolving Loan Fund Inquiry Form. Once we receive this form, the Historic Properties Program Manager will determine whether your property qualifies to receive funding from the Revovling Fund Loan Program. If it does, you will receive a follow-up letter outlining the work items discussed, the funding sources, amounts, terms available to you, and instructions for submitting a Loan Application.
What information do I have to provide to complete a loan application?
If you are interested and project qualifies for funding and you decide to apply for a loan, you must provide the information listed below. A complete checklist of items will be provided when you schedule your loan application appointment.
RF Loan Program Application: The required 4-page application is completed with the assistance of the Historic Properties Program Manager.
Historical Information: If available, you must submit information to verify the historic significance of the property being renovated with the loan funds.
Statement of Property Value: You must submit a copy of an appraisal, purchase agreement, or property tax assessment record issued within the previous 12 months.
Description of Work: The application must accompany a written description of the work for which Preservation Utah funding is sought. In addition, construction drawings detailing the proposed improvements may be required.
Photographs of the Property: Photographs showing the current condition of all sides of the building and details of problem areas must be submitted.
Bids from Licensed Contractors: Copies of bids from currently licensed contractors for all proposed improvements must be submitted.
Personal and Financial Information: You must provide your current employment, income, assets, and liabilities.
Non-refundable Application Fee: A $75.00 non-refundable application fee is due when your Loan Application is prepared.
What does the Historic Properties Committee consider when it reviews a loan application?
The Historic Properties Committee uses criteria which include, but are not limited to:
The proposed project's appropriateness and compatibility with the historic building's character.
The architectural or historical significance of the property.
The financial strength of the application.
The geographic distribution of current and proposed projects.
The project's potential effect on the surrounding neighborhood and community.
The availability of funds.
How do I know if my application is approved?
All applicants receive written notification of the Historic Properties Committee's recommendation within ten (10) business days following the meeting at which their application is considered. If a positive recommendation is forwarded, it is provided to Preservation Utah's Board of Trustees for final review. The Board of Trustees makes the final decision, and a recommendation does not guarantee approval.
For more information, contact the Historic Properties Program Manager
Research a Place
There are many ways to begin researching your property. The resources listed below are some ways to get started.
Check to see whether the property has already been documented. A great start is the Utah Historical Society. and the Utah State Historic Preservation Office.
If your property has not been documented previously, then you should check the following sources for information:
County Recorder's Office provides all the transactions involving your property, including when it was probably built, noting the date, names of buyers and sellers, dollar amounts, and types of transactions. Note: you will need the legal description of the property to do this research, not simply the address. Getting property owners' names through this research, though sometimes difficult, is key to creating a solid history of your house.
Older Sanborn Maps can be found online at the Marriott Library digital collections site. These fire insurance maps were drawn for over 75 communities in the state, many as early as the late 1880s, and were updated periodically as late as 1969. The maps show each building on the principal blocks in the community, and they are color-coded to indicate construction materials, height, and other features.
Building Permit Registers provide the date the permit was issued, the address of the property, the estimated cost of construction, a brief description of the building, the name of the owner, and sometimes the names of the architect and builder.
Many Utah communities' newspapers are on microfilm and are available online in the Utah Digital Newspapers.
Architects File includes information about many of the architects and builders in Utah and lists of some of the buildings they designed or constructed. Architectural drawings of historic buildings are rare since formally schooled architects only individually designed most houses. Even the works of many of Utah's prominent architects are unavailable. The best collection of historic architectural drawings is at the U of U Marriott Library Special Collections. These are organized under each architect's name, so you must determine who the architect of your house is before you begin searching for specific drawings.
Researching your property can be a time-consuming process. If you would like to hire a professional, check out our Preservation Directory.
Tax Credits
Federal Tax Credits for Commercial Properties
The Utah State Historic Preservation Office administers the federal investment tax credit program. Qualifying projects must be listed on the National Register of Historic Places within three years of starting the project, plan for work to be done that will meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, and will meet an adjusted basis formula to determine eligibility. If all criteria are met, the owner qualifies for a federal tax credit of 20% of the total rehabilitation costs on that project.
State Tax Credits for Residential Properties
The Utah State Historic Preservation Office administers the state tax credit program. Qualifying projects must be listed on the National Register of Historic Places within three years of starting the project, plan for work to be done that will meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, and spend a minimum of $10,000. If all criteria are met, the owner qualifies for a state tax credit of 20% of the total rehabilitation costs on that project.